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It’s Bazaar on 21st Street

Interested in becoming a Vendor at It’s Bazaar on 21st Street?

The information below will hopefully answer any questions or concerns you may have in regards to becoming a Vendor with us. In the event that it does not, please do not hesitate to contact us with any addition inquiries.

Renting a space is affordable, fun, and a great way to earn some extra income. If you’re new to the business, we’d love to help you get started!

We offer a professionally managed, full service retail center. Whether you have an established business or are looking for a short term solution to liquidate a collection, we will help you sell and market your items for maximized profits.

Our 8,000 sq. ft. building, previously, a Ford Dealership with a ramp out back conveniently connecting to the upper level, is uniquely located in the historic district of Purcellville, VA, with a loyal customer base, and is a growing destination for both neighboring cities and tourists alike.

We have a great bunch of Vendors that sell a wide array of Antiques, Vintage Collectibles, Home Decor, Music, Handmade Pottery, Jewelry, Gifts and more and we are always looking for new vendors to join us, making our store even better!

That’s what so great about a store named It’s Bazaar! – We do not sell just one particular item or style, which gives us the flexibility to offer something for everyone with varying price points.

If and when you decide to join us and become a Vendor, we will be happy to show you our available space(s), and supply you with a copy of our Vendor Agreement, and get you on the fast track to selling your items.

Why Rent from Us?

There are many excellent reasons to become a Vendor at It’s Bazaar on 21stStreet…Here are just a few:

  • Take advantage of our established goodwill & extensive clientele.
  • Create extra or supplement income.
  • Sell items that are no longer used – if it’s just collecting dust, make money on it instead!
  • Get rid of that storage unit fee – why store when you can sell?
  • An ideal way to liquidate an estate or collection!
  • Why pay rent and overhead for a retail location and pay employees to sell your items, when we can do all of that for you?
  • Month to Month Vendor Agreement
  • We Collect & Pay All Sales Tax
  • No Credit Card Fees
  • No Business License Needed

Hours of Operation

We are open Monday, 12-5, Tuesday-Thursday, 10-5pm, Friday-Saturday, 10-6 and Sundays, 12-5. We also offer extended hours during the summer and on some holidays and events. We are closed on Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Easter.

Space Availability

We always have space available, please do not hesitate to ask!

We are big believers in “cross pollination” and keep an ample amount of common ground available.

What is cross pollination? If one vendors item will help sell another’s, we’re going to put those items together in our “common ground” area- free of charge, so not to impede on anyone’s rental space or area.

We also keep common grounds available just in case that original space you chose doesn’t work out as planned or doesn’t highlight your particular items properly.

Rental Rate(s) & Commission(s)

We offer many different spaces for rent, Display cabinet(s), bookshelf(s), wall space(s) & floor space(s). Our spaces range from $50 a month to $300 a month. Multiple space rental discounts are available.

We currently rent out our 10’x 10’ space(s) for $250 a month. If you are in need of more or less space, we are more than happy to discuss a solution and a monthly rate to benefit both you, the potential Vendor and the Bazaar.

Our Vendor Agreement is a month to month agreement. We do require first month’s rent upon signing and requestat least a 3 month commitment (see FAQ).

In addition to the monthly rental rate a 10% commission is also charged on all items sold.

Sales & Payouts

We pay our Vendors, bi-weekly, on the 1st and 15thday of each month for their sales and include an itemized statement for all items sold.

Sales Tax

We handle collecting and paying all sales taxes on purchases made at the store.

Credit Card Fees

We do not charge any fees to our customers or Vendors for credit card usage.


The Bazaar does not have an issue with theft. We have a fully functioning security system with active cameras accessible from 3 different monitoring stations. We also offer space in our display cases, when available, for those who would prefer something be under lock and key-free of charge!

Do you sell Online* or at another Location?

Provide us with a brief description or bio as to what you bring to the Bazaar and any links to your online stores or other store location(s) and we will list that information on our website in your Vendor profile.

*Selling your items online? Why not get double visibility? Just mark your tags with a “specified” mark letting us know that it is cross posted and we will let you know once it sells in store.

Have Additional Questions? Check out FAQ page or Contact Us and we will be happy to answer any additional question you may have.

Can't find it online? Visit us today & enjoy 8,000 sq.ft. of Antiques, Vintage Collectibles, Home Decor, Music, Handmade Pottery, Jewelry, Gifts and More! Dismiss