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It’s Bazaar on 21st Street

Have Additional Questions? Check out our Become a Vendor page or Contact Us and we will be happy to answer any additional question you may have.

Q? When is Rent Due?

A. Rent is due on the 1stor 15thof every month depending on your move-in date.

Q? Why does the Bazaar request at least a 3 month commitment?

A. Vendors looking to sell out of all their items and retiring within the first or second month might have their hopes set to high. Ask anyone in the business and they will all say “I started to see a return on my initial investment in 3 months”.

Q? How do your pay periods work?

A. Checks issued on the 1stof the month payout for sales processed between the 1stand 15thof the previous month. Checks issued on the 15th of the month payout for sales processed between the 16thand the last day of the month, of the previous month.

Q? Are Vendors required to work the front counter or volunteer any hours at the Bazaar?

A. No. We have a friendly and courteous staff on duty at all times to assist Vendors and customers, alleviating any concerns of product or vendor favoritism.

Q? Is there a specific day Vendors are allowed to bring their items in?

A. No, we do not restrict our vendor’s accessibility to their spot. We understand that everyone has different schedules. We do ask that you put yourself in the consumer’s shoes especially during peak hours and consider whether or not you would shop a vendors spot if someone is fumbling around in it.

Q? What does the Bazaar Expect from its Vendors?

A. We are all small business and need to stick together! The Bazaar is committed to selling your items, keeping the steady flow of information, support and money, of course.

We ask that you set aside enough time to maintain your booth by keeping up with current prices on merchandise, organizing your items to make them presentable, and keep your booth clean and well stocked.

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